Monday, October 15, 2007

For anyone who might actually miss me....

...I'm just not scrapping at the moment. Nope... have no inspiration at all. It sucks actually...

Hopefully I'll be able to scrap tomorrow. I'm beginning to miss it. :/

And to answer my one loyal readers (Joscelyne) question - I do draw my outlines on freehand. :D


joscelyne cutchens said...

I am your loyal follower, you awesome talented woman, you! I have been checking in... sometimes I forget if I already commented or not... I have toddler induced brain lapses all the time.

Lilo said...

Nä... vad är det jag läser??? Hoppas verkligen du får scraplusten åter!!! Dina alster är speciella och behövs som inspiration, så det så! Kom igen nu! Scrappa på! Och ja...Patrik var nog en cool syster! ;)